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Who are we? We are a community of faith, known as Third Avenue United Church, who have adopted and prayerfully put into words and deeds what we believe to be our Mission in this community and in the world, and that is: We seek to love and care for God’s creation through worship and service in Christian community.

Order of Worship
February 23, 2025
“Seventh Sunday after Epiphany”

10:45 AM


ORGANIST / PIANIST:  Ilene Wettergreen



Scriptures Reader:  Rev. Jo-Ann Hills


We acknowledge that we are gathered on treaty 6 area and the homeland of the Metis. For thousands of years, the First Peoples of this place have cared for the land even as the land cared for them. Guided by the wisdom of their traditions and their ancestors, they have been taught that the circle of life is embraced and embracing. Let us carry on this wisdom. Let us live into right relations with love and respect.
     Adapted and used with permission from Gathering: ACE 2022-2023; Jamie Miller


Comfort in sorrow,
the light of Christ.
Challenge in lethargy,
the light of Christ.
Courage in uncertainty,
the light of Christ.
Hope when all else fails,
the light of Christ.
     used with permission from Gathering: ACE 2024-2025; David Sparks

All sing: VU 290 “Nothing Can Trouble

Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten
Those who seek God shall never go wanting.
Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten.
God alone fills us.

In these uncertain times, we come together, searching for peace.
We will be still before the Lord and wait patiently.
We will open our hearts and minds, that the Lord may show us mercy.
When we trust the Lord, we can do good things and live with one another in peace and security.
The Lord is our refuge in times of trouble. In God, we find forgiveness, mercy, and love.
We will be still before the Lord and wait patiently.
     From the Abingdon Worship Annual 2025.
     Copyright @2024 by Abingdon Press. Used by permission

Holy One, we come together to pause, pray, and praise. Be with us in this place, that we may touch your mercy. You provide for us; help us claim the power of your love for our lives. Help us to measure out grace, shaking it together with forgiveness and give them to others as you would have us do.  Amen.

     From the Abingdon Worship Annual 2025.
     Copyright @2024 by Abingdon Press. Used by permission


4. HYMN: “Make me a channel of your peace”   VU 684
1.  Make me a channel of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me bring your love;
where there is injury, your healing power,
and where there's doubt, true faith in you:

2.  Make me a channel of your peace:
where there's despair in life, let me bring hope;
where there is darkness, only light;
and where there's sadness, ever joy.
O Spirit, grant that I may never seek
so much to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love with all my soul.

3.  Make me a channel of your peace.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
in giving to all that we receive,
and in dying that we're born to eternal life.

Holy God, we have gathered in this place today, wanting to experience something greater than ourselves. We praise your greatness and mercy without hesitation or question. May we be granted the wisdom you offer as we receive the words of your scripture today.  Amen.
     Used with permission from Gathering: ACE 2024-2025; Marie Slivocka

Genesis 45:  3 - 11, 15

3 Joseph asked his brothers if his father was still alive, but they were too frightened to answer. 4 Joseph told them to come closer to him, and when they did, he said: Yes, I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt. 5 Don't worry or blame yourselves for what you did. God is the one who sent me ahead of you to save lives. 6 There has already been a famine for two years, and for five more years no one will plow fields or harvest grain. 7 But God sent me on ahead of you to keep your families alive and to save you in this wonderful way. 8 After all, you weren't really the ones who sent me here-it was God. He made me the highest official in the king's court and placed me over all Egypt. 9 Now hurry back and tell my father that his son Joseph says, “God has made me ruler of Egypt. Come here as quickly as you can. 10 You will live near me in the region of Goshen with your children and grandchildren, as well as with your sheep, goats, cattle, and everything else you own. 11 I will take care of you there during the next five years of famine. But if you don't come, you and your family and your animals will starve to death.” 15 Joseph was still crying as he kissed each of his other brothers. After this, they started talking with Joseph.

Responsive Reading  Psalm 37:  1- 11, 39-40 page 763
Refrain:  Commit your way to God and trust the One who takes your part

Do not fret because of the wicked, or envy those who do evil.
For they soon wither like grass and fade away like the green leaf.
Trust in God and do good;
dwell in the land and there find safe pasture.
Find your delight in God,
who will grant the desires of your heart.  Refrain

God will make your vindication shine like the light,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
Be still before God and wait patiently;
do not fret because some prosper in evil schemes.
Let go of anger and abandon wrath.
Do not fret - it can only do harm.  Refrain

Those who do evil shall be cut off,
but those who look to God shall inherit the earth.
In a little while the wicked will be no more;
you will look where they were and their place will be empty.
But the meek shall inherit the earth;
they shall enjoy fullness of peace.
Salvation for the righteous comes from God, their refuge in time of trouble.
God helps and delivers, and rescues from the wicked those who seek shelter.  Refrain


8.  HYMN “For the Healing of the Nations” VU 678
1.  For the healing of the nations,
God, we pray with one accord;
for a just and equal sharing of the things that earth affords.
To a life of love in action help us rise and pledge our word.

2.  Lead us forward into freedom,
from despair your world release;
that, redeemed from war and hatred, all may come and go in peace.
Show us how through care and goodness fear will die and hope increase.

3.  All that kills abundant living,
let it from the earth be banned:
pride of status, race or schooling, dogmas that obscure your plan.
In our common quest for justice may we hallow life's brief span.

4.  You, Creator-God, have written
your great name on humankind;
for our growing in your likeness bring the life of Christ to mind;
that, by our response and service, earth its destiny may find.

1 Corinthians 15: 35 - 38, 42 - 50

What Our Bodies Will Be Like
35 Some of you have asked, "How will the dead be raised to life? What kind of bodies will they have?" 36 Don't be foolish. A seed must die before it can sprout from the ground. 37 Wheat seeds and all other seeds look different from the sprouts that come up. 38 This is because God gives everything the kind of body he wants it to have. 42 That's how it will be when our bodies are raised to life. These bodies will die, but the bodies that are raised will live forever. 43 These ugly and weak bodies will become beautiful and strong. 44 As surely as there are physical bodies, there are spiritual bodies. And our physical bodies will be changed into spiritual bodies. 45 The first man was named Adam, and the Scriptures tell us that he was a living person. But Jesus, who may be called the last Adam, is a life-giving spirit. 46 We see that the one with a spiritual body did not come first. He came after the one who had a physical body. 47 The first man was made from the dust of the earth, but the second man came from heaven. 48 Everyone on earth has a body like the body of the one who was made from the dust of the earth. And everyone in heaven has a body like the body of the one who came from heaven. 49 Just as we are like the one who was made out of earth, we will be like the one who came from heaven. 50 My friends, I want you to know that our bodies of flesh and blood will decay. This means that they cannot share in God's kingdom, which lasts forever.

The Gospel of Luke 6:  27 - 38
Love for Enemies
Love your enemies, and be good to everyone who hates you. 28 Ask God to bless anyone who curses you, and pray for everyone who is cruel to you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, don't stop that person from slapping you on the other cheek. If someone wants to take your coat, don't try to keep back your shirt. 30 Give to everyone who asks and don't ask people to return what they have taken from you. 31 Treat others just as you want to be treated. 32 If you love only someone who loves you, will God praise you for that? Even sinners love people who love them. 33 If you are kind only to someone who is kind to you, will God be pleased with you for that? Even sinners are kind to people who are kind to them. 34 If you lend money only to someone you think will pay you back, will God be pleased with you for that? Even sinners lend to sinners because they think they will get it all back. 35 But love your enemies and be good to them. Lend without expecting to be paid back.[a] Then you will get a great reward, and you will be the true children of God in heaven. He is good even to people who are unthankful and cruel. 36 Have pity on others, just as your Father has pity on you.
Judging Others
37 Jesus said: Don't judge others, and God won't judge you. Don't be hard on others, and God won't be hard on you. Forgive others, and God will forgive you. 38 If you give to others, you will be given a full amount in return. It will be packed down, shaken together, and spilling over into your lap. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated


11.  HYMN: “It Only takes a Spark VU 289
1.  It only takes a spark to get a fire going,
and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing:
that's how it is with God's love, once you've experienced it:
you spread God's love to everyone, you want to pass it on.

2.  What a wondrous time is spring
when all the trees are budding,
the birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming;
that's how it is with God's love, once you've experienced it:
you want to sing, it's fresh like spring, you want to pass it on.

3.  I wish for you, my friend,
this happiness that I've found -
on God you can depend,
it matters not where you're bound;
I'll shout it from the mountain top; I want my world to know:
the Lord of love has come to me, I want to pass it on.

Lord God, we come to you as imperfect creatures. Like Joseph's brothers, we're afraid of the past and are wary of the future. Yet, we yearn to feel your warm embrace. We long to touch your love and forgiveness, despite our shortcomings. Ease our journey toward mercy, as we grow in faith and love. Help us bless those who curse us and to pray for those who mistreat us. This is your direction for our lives and we will follow as we are able. Amen.

     From the Abingdon Worship Annual 2025.
     Copyright @2024 by Abingdon Press. Used by permission

God's love and mercy are freely available to all. When we trust and delight in God's mercy, we are better able to show this mercy to those around us. Because God can do this, you can do it. We can do it together.
     From the Abingdon Worship Annual 2025.
     Copyright @2024 by Abingdon Press. Used by permission

14.  SUNG RESPONSE: VU 658 “O Love That Wilt Not Let me Go
1.  O Love that wilt not let me go,
I rest my weary soul in thee;
I give thee back the life I owe,
that in thine ocean depths its flow may richer, fuller be.

2.  O Light that followest all my way,
I yield my flickering torch to thee;
my heart restores its borrowed ray,
that in thy sunshine's blaze its day may brighter, fairer be.

3.  O Joy that seekest me through pain,
I cannot close my heart to thee;
I trace the rainbow through the rain,
and feel the promise is not vain that morn shall tearless be.

4.“” O Cross that liftest up my head,
I dare not ask to fly from thee;
I lay in dust life's glory dead,
and from the ground there blossoms red life that shall endless be.

15. AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: “A New Creed ” VU 918
We are not alone,
we live in God's world.
We believe in God: who has created and is creating,
who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh,
to reconcile and make new,
who works in us and others by the Spirit.
We trust in God.
We are called to be the Church:
to celebrate God's presence,
to live with respect in Creation,
to love and serve others,
to seek justice and resist evil,
to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope.
In life, in death, in life beyond death,
God is with us.
We are not alone.
Thanks be to God.

     The United Church of Canada, General Council 1968, alt. 1998

As a sign of our love for God, God's church, and God's creation, let us share our gifts and offerings.
     From the Abingdon Worship Annual 2025.
     Copyright @2024 by Abingdon Press. Used by permission

17. OFFERTORY: “Grant Us, God, the Grace  VU 540
Grant us, God, the grace of giving,
with a spirit large and free,
that ourselves and all our living
we may offer faithfully.

Holy God, we bring this offering of our money, prayer, and labour to advance your work of mercy. We willingly and joyfully celebrate your generosity, by sharing our abundance with the church, our community, and the world. Bless these gifts, as they go forth to do good in your world without judgment or prejudice.  Amen.
     From the Abingdon Worship Annual 2025.
     Copyright @2024 by Abingdon Press. Used by permission



Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom
and the power, and the glory,
forever and ever. AMEN.

20.  HYMN:  VU 236 “Now Thank We all Our God
1.  Now thank we all our God, with heart, and hands, and voices,
who wondrous things has done, in whom this world rejoices;
who from our mother's arms has blessed us on our way
with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today.

2.  O may this bounteous God through all our life be near us,
with ever joyful hearts and blessed peace to cheer us,
and keep us strong in grace, and guide us when perplexed,
and free us from all ill in this world and the next.

3.  All praise and thanks to God for all that has been given,
the Son, and Spirit blest who dwell in highest heaven,
the one eternal God, whom heaven and earth adore;
for thus it was, is now, and shall be evermore.

May the peace of Christ follow you from this place. Remember the grace of Joseph, the mercy of God, and the love of Christ. Go beyond the Golden Rule and forgive first, love first, and give first. Measure out a good amount of grace, for you and others, and prepare a recipe for a merciful life.
     From the Abingdon Worship Annual 2025.
     Copyright @2024 by Abingdon Press. Used by permission


“Thank you for being a part of the congregation and worshipping with us today!
Have a wonderful week!”

Next Sunday:  Last Sunday after the Epiphany
        March 2, 2025:
         Exodus 34: 29 - 35;  Psalm 99;
         2 Corinthians 3: 12 - 4: 2;  Luke 9: 28 - 36, [37 - 43a].


  1. SUNDAY, February 23, 2025  “Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany  Rev. Jo-Ann Hills  “REFLECTIONS”  ALL ARE WELCOME!

  2. TUESDAY, February 18, 2025  HANDBELL PRACTICE  6:30 PM.  Choir Room  We always welcome new members.  If you enjoy music please join us.

  3. TUESDAY, February 18, 2025   BIBLE STUDY  10:00 AM  Board Room  ALL ARE WELCOME

  4. TUESDAY, February 18, 2025  “YOUTH ACTIVITY CLUB (YAC)”  7:00 - 9:00 PM.  Logie hall GYM  All Youth 12 years and older are welcome

  5. THURSDAY, February 20, 2025   “THIRD AVENUE UNITED CHURCH YOUTH GROUP”   7:00 - 8:00 PM.  Logie hall GYM  Ages 9 - 13 yrs  To Register Contact Kaileigh at: kaileighhargreaves@gmail.com

  6. SUNDAY, March 2, 2025  “Last Sunday after the Epiphany  Rev. Jo-Ann Hills  “REFLECTIONS”  ALL ARE WELCOME!

  7. SUNDAY, March 16, 2025  “SUNDAY BRUNCH   11:30 AM - 1:00 PM   ALL ARE WELCOME!


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